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Meet Gibby

& all her friends

Ever notice that cartoon animals are often wearing clothes?

Or they're living in zoos...

Or they're causing trouble breaking rules in people's homes and apartments.

Real wild animal don't wear pants.

They don't live in confined spaces....

And, even though every little ape certainly LOVES an adventure,

they're never breaking the house rules when they're free in the jungle!

But do you know what wild animals ARE doing?

They're curiously exploring the world,

solving problems and overcoming obstacles.

They're loving life playing harmoniously

with their friends and families.

And they're learning to be who they are meant to be

growing up in the jungle with courage and strength.

How do we know?

Well, you know we know gibbons.

In fact, we've spent A LOT of time in the jungle.

And after more than a decade of gibbon loving & jungle adventures you can bet Jackie's got a few stories to tell.

maybe it's time to start writing about what life is REALLY like in the jungle.

But not in a scientific 'this is this' and 'that is that' kind of way.

Introducing, dun-da-da-daaaaaa...


  So we got to thinking:

.... In a way that's fun and real, enchanting and... JUST for kids.

(though we've got the science in there to back it up too).


Our new children's book series that introduces kids to the wonderful world of gibbons, using cartoon versions of REAL animals and nature to teach kids important lessons about curiosity, problem-solving, resilience, self-confidence, teamwork, empathy, and integrity - all while rocking and rhyming in the heart of the jungles of Asia. 

Available Now
in our online store!
also available
as an e-book
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Easy Readers for kids aged 5-9

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Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 10.08.50.png
Look & Learn Picture Books
for kids Under 5

Gibby's Great Adventures






Every character in the Gibby's Great Adventures series has a real-life cousin in the wild!

​Hover over the animal pictures below to learn more about Gibby and all her friends. 

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Gibby is a White-handed Gibbon, she lives in the jungles of South East Asia with her Mother, Father, and Brother.

Conservation Status: Endangered

Population Trend: Decreasing

White-handed Gibbon

Species Name:








Hylobates Lar

White-handed gibbons are diurnal and arboreal animals, meaning they are awake during the day and spend their time high up in the treetops.

Gibbons love to eat fruits, especially figs, but they also eat young leaves and insects, like termites, too. Gibbons monitor their trees regularly, changing their diet monthly as fruits seasonally ripen.

Gibbons live in small family units, and have 1 offspring every 3-4 years. Families form strong bonds and remain close for life.

Logging; hunting & trapping; agricultural and urban expansion.

Drumlet is a Black Giant Squirrel, he lives in the jungles

of South East Asia making his home in tree hollows.

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Conservation Status: Near Threatened

Population Trend: Decreasing

Black Giant Squirrel

Species Name:








Ratufa bicolor

Black giant squirrels are diurnal and arboreal animals, meaning they are awake during the day and spend most of their time in the treetops.

Like gibbons, black giant squirrels eat fruits and leaves, so they often spend time near each other high up in the trees where the fruit is ripe.

Black giant squirrels tend to live on their own, and have offspring every 8-9 years with small litters of only 1-2 babies.

Agricultural and urban expansion; logging; hunting & trapping.

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Valbert is an Asiastic Black Bear, he lives in the jungles of South East Asia but has family across the entire continent of Asia.

Species Name:








Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Population Trend: Decreasing

Asiatic Black Bear

Ursus thibetanus

Asiatic black bears are diurnal and primarily live in subtropical forests, but they also live in grasslands, shrublands and wetlands in more northern climates of Asia.

Asiatic black bears vary their diet based on what's available each season. They often eat fruits, shoots, forbs, and leaves, but also eat insects and nuts or scavenge meat opportunistically.

Asiastic black bears live alone, but mothers have 1-2 cubs every 2 years caring for them until they are ready to be on their own.

Hunting & trapping; logging; agricultural expansion; roadways.

Publer is a Giant Hornbill, she lives in South East Asia with her family and is one of the largest flying birds on earth.

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Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Population Trend: Decreasing

Giant Hornbill

Species Name:








Buceros bicornis

Great hornbills are diurnal and live in subtropical forests. They don't migrate like some other birds, mate for life, and require large trees for building their nests

Great hornbills eat fruit, and like gibbons they love to eat figs. But great hornbills will also eat eggs, amphibians, reptiles, insects, mammals and small birds opportunistically.

Great hornbills live in pairs and small groups, but congregate in flocks of more than 200 birds during breeding season.

Hunting; logging; agricultural and urban expansion.

Oh no! Did you hear?

Gibby and her friends need your help!

Gibby's cousins in the wild are having a hard time. Their forest

homes are being cut down by people who want to use their trees.

It seems some people have forgotten how important trees are for EVERYONE to SHARE.

But you & Gibby know that we ALL need trees for clean air,

healthy soil, safe gibbons, and a happy planet.

So Gibby's got a plan to help!

Want to team up with Gibby

to help her wild gibbon cousins?

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You can instantly make an impact today by becoming a

Gibbon Guardian

and joining Gibby's global kids force of heroic Ape Ambassador's

leading the way to help endangered wild gibbons & their jungle homes!



Let your adults know: Every dollar received through our Gibbon Guardians Memberships goes directly into Prime Earth's pioneering non-invasive scientific field research with wild primates, and our innovative conservation projects to protect wild gibbons and preserve their habitats.





Your Gibbon Guardian 'Gibby Kids Kits' options are:





Always happy to help, a little generosity goes a long way when you're protecting gibbons!

Your Drumlet Kit Includes:

  • a personalized membership card with our Partners in Protection Impact Card

  • a downloadable Gibby & Friends Activity Book

  • a 10% discount on all our Gibby Gear

Swooping in to save the day for wild gibbons with confidence and grace!

Your Publer Kit Includes:

  • a personalized membership card with our Partners in Protection Impact Card

  • a downloadable Gibby & Friends Activity Book

  • a 10% discount on all our Gibby Gear


The key to success in conservation is truth and responsibility. We're all here to share!

Your Valbert Kit Includes:

  • a personalized membership card with our Partners in Protection Impact Card

  • a downloadable Gibby & Friends Activity Book

  • a 10% discount on all our Gibby Gear


Brave. Smart. Curious. Every adventurous ape loves to have fun and help others.

Your Gibby Kit Includes:

  • a personalized membership card with our Partners in Protection Impact Card

  • a downloadable Gibby & Friends Activity Book

  • a 10% discount on all our Gibby Gear

Teaming up to care for the jungle & keep Gibbons together with their families in the wild.

Your Friends & Family Kit Includes:

  • 1-4 personalized membership cards with Partners in Protection Impact Cards

  • a printed Gibby & Friends Activity Book

  • two 'I am a Gibbon Guardian' members only tshirts to wear with pride

  • a 10% discount on all our Gibby Gear


for Kids



* * *
And now a few words about the people who bring Gibby to life...

Jackie had already been studying gibbons for 7 years when she first met Josh in university. She had just returned from Thailand after living in the jungle with gibbons for 2 years, studying their hands and eating habits for her PhD.


Josh thought that was cool. He had just gotten back from Peru where he was planting a fruit tree orchard  for people in need. He loves animals and nature and wanted to help out at Prime Earth, so he joined the team.


Jackie could see Josh was a tough cookie. He was artistic and thoughtful, and an explorer like her. And maybe, just maybe, she thought, he might be able to join her in the jungle one day to spend time with wild gibbons, IF he was brave enough. So she invited him to Thailand.

Josh agreed.

And it was hard. A leech bit him on his first day.

It was gross. Jackie laughed. (He wasn't hurt, and sometimes laughter is the best medicine). But so began a friendship that sparked an idea to combine forces to help gibbons and teach kids compassion by connecting them with real animals in nature through fantastical storytelling.

After spending weeks in the jungle with Jackie and the gibbons, Josh got pretty good at drawing gibbons, and

Jackie has a knack for wordsmithing rhymes, so...


Gibby's Great Adventures was created and

Gibby the Gibbon was born!

Dr. Jackie Prime, Author &
Josh Hrdlick, Illustrator
Available Now
and more on the way!

Get your name on the list and be the first to know when


become available! 

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Easy Readers for kids aged 5-9

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Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 10.08.14.png
Look & Learn Picture Books
for kids Under 5

Gibby the Gibbon™ and all Gibby's Great Adventures™ text, graphics/illustrations and characters are © Copyright 2016 Jackie Prime and HyloLar Inc.

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© Copyright 2024 by Prime Earth Education.

Prime Earth Education is a registered not-for-profit organization.

Our international headquarters are located in Canada. 

We respectfully acknowledge that the land on which our headquarters is located is within the bounds of the Treaty Lands and the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, as well as the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat and Haudenosaunee peoples. This territory is mutually covered by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant.  We honour the longstanding Indigenous groups of this geographic region as the customary keepers, protectors, and caretakers for the environment, and follow their reverence for nature and leadership in caring for Mother Earth.

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