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Advancing science on small apes in the wild.

Protecting Gibbons

Before you can protect gibbons in the wild, you've got to know a lot about them!

In 2007, our founder Dr. Jackie stepped into the lush green jungles of Thailand for the first time, hoping to find and follow gibbons.


But it was tough.


After 3 months of long 12 hour days roaming the forest only to catch a fleeting glimpse of a gibbon here and there, it was starting to seem like studying the secret lives of gibbons in the wild was going to be impossible.

Sitting gibbon (black) - black eyes.png
Sitting gibbon (sideways) - black eyes.png

Wild gibbons are notoriously difficult to study.


They move fast, avoid people, and live in small groups that are hard to spot in the tree canopy.


But the gibbons at Khao Yai National Park in Thailand are some of the best studied gibbons in the world, and eventually once they got to know Dr. Jackie from seeing her in the jungle every day, they soon became comfortable with her hanging around all the time.

Now more than a decade later, we continue to support and conduct non-invasive, wild-based behavioural research on small apes to advance science, inform our conservation projects, and protect small apes everywhere - employing the best available methods to continue the long-term primate research projects on white-handed gibbons, pileated gibbons, and pig-tailed macaques at Khao Yai National Park in Thailand.

The more we learn about small apes,
the better we can protect them from extinction.







Making It Count for Conservation!

Putting our scientific expertise to work, we collaborate with local, regional, and international groups to identify and resolve emerging conservation issues relevant to small apes and other South East Asian primates. Assisting with conservation policy and action strategies related to primate welfare and their natural habitats, we emphasize local participation in conservation practices and monitoring.




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© Copyright 2024 by Prime Earth Education.

Prime Earth Education is a registered not-for-profit organization.

Our international headquarters are located in Canada. 

We respectfully acknowledge that the land on which our headquarters is located is within the bounds of the Treaty Lands and the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, as well as the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat and Haudenosaunee peoples. This territory is mutually covered by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant.  We honour the longstanding Indigenous groups of this geographic region as the customary keepers, protectors, and caretakers for the environment, and follow their reverence for nature and leadership in caring for Mother Earth.

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