This is your chance to meet with mentors who have graduate degrees in Anthropology and currently work outside of academia.

Hear personal stories about why each mentor left academia and how life unfolded after graduation.
Learn how mentors use their anthropological knowledge, experiences & training in their current jobs.
Ask questions and discuss key topics on managing the transition in a relaxed and supportive setting.
Meet Our Mentors:

Crystal Forrest, PhD
Registrar - Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act for MGCS

More speakers and events dates will be added as they become available.


More speakers and events dates will be added as they become available.

More speakers and events dates will be added as they become available.
For a limited time,
registration for all ACE Online Office Hours
is free to all as we pilot this new program.
Sign up to join us at our next session:
Email reminders are sent approximately 1 week before each scheduled ACE Online Office Hour session to confirm attendance at upcoming events.
Look for a registration confirmation email and be sure to add ace@prime-earth.org to your contacts to ensure future correspondence goes directly to your inbox.

Our Commitment to Quality
At Prime Earth, we're proud to provide high quality educational resources at low cost to participants.
Funding for the start up of this pilot program was generously provided by: